Animation & Design work at the Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety

Patient Safety Navigator: Overview Video – The Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety (2017)

Patient Safety Navigator: Planning Module – The Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety (2017)

Editing and Animation by Rudi Anna
View the storyboards: HERE for the overview video and HERE for the planning module video.

About the Patient Safety Navigator:
Did something occur at your facility that you need to report to a state or federal agency?
The Patient Safety Navigator’s four-step tool will help you navigate those requirements; it is not a mechanism for collecting event reports.
To learn more, please visit the website HERE

Root Cause Analysis – The Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety (2017)

Editing and Animation by Rudi Anna
View the project development storyboards HERE

About the Root Cause Analyses and Actions:
This video offers a brief overview of a three-step process called RCA^2
– or Root Cause Analyses and Actions –
developed in partnership with the National Patient Safety Foundation to help provider organizations
improve patient safety through a better understanding of adverse events and “close calls.”

For more information on The Betsy Lehman Center’s mission,
click HERE.

Graphic Designs for the Betsy Lehman Center’s recent initiatives and monthly newsletter, Patient Safety Beat:

Additional graphic design work for the BLC – a few selections of icon graphics for the Center’s website: